Path-Goal Theory of Leadership – History, Example, Pros & Cons

path-goal theory of leadership

Leadership scholars are developing a unified body of speculation they call the “Path-Goal Theory of Leadership.” According to this belief, influential leaders affect their followers’ motivation, productivity, and happiness. The name “Path-Goal” comes from the emphasis on the leader’s ability to shape followers’ views of their potential and the means by which they might achieve their professional and personal objectives.

According to this hypothesis, followers are more likely to follow their leader’s lead if their actions help them get closer to their goals and make the steps needed to get there more transparent.

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Authentic Leadership – Meaning, Advantages, Implementation & Limitation

authentic leadership

In general, any action considered authentic should be accurate, valid, and genuine. On the other hand, it has separate evolution in ancient Greek philosophy, modern aspects, and the post-modern era as well. According to ancient Greek philosophy, authentic refers to ‘Be true to thyself”; 20th-century modernism emphasizes with its self-direction, reliability, and consistency), and postmodernism asks whether authenticity can exist in the period of many selves all touch on authenticity.

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Price Leadership Strategy – Pros & Cons – Explained!

price leadership

The word leadership can be traced back to an Old English word. That word is “laedere,” which means a person with the power to lead. When a group of people is working under a company or organization and trying to achieve a larger goal, the organization appoints some people known as leaders to the group members to guide them in the right direction so that they don’t go astray.

In this case, prime organizations capitalizing on the market share will set prices against the goods and services. For example, in the airline industry, those who capitalized the most market share are setting the price for their services, whereas other competitors should make them according to their changes.

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Democratic Leadership – When to implement? Advantages & Disadvantages

Democratic Leadership

Managers are given the tools to lead their teams through any challenge effectively. Decision-making under democratic leadership approach is always group-based. It is a comprehensive process of obtaining opinions from staff to identify numerous solutions to a complex issue. This is a shared responsibility between leaders and followers.

This article intends to put forward various aspects of democratic leadership and its implementation in different scenarios.

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Laissez-faire Leadership – Contradiction, Implementation, Features, Pros & Cons

Laissez-faire Leadership

Laissez Faire is a policy to take things on their course. It means there is no one to interfere in the matter. This leadership style signifies that there should be no intervention in the business. Therefore, an organization can operate without any legal hesitation.

Here, various businesses and institutions need to improve the efficiency with which their staff completes their tasks. Sometimes, unnecessary intervention might affect business operations, so this leadership approach is appropriate to avoid unnecessary intervention.

In this article, we will go through various aspect of Laissez-faire Leadership style, its feature, advantages, implementation along with real-life example.

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