Staffing in Management

Staffing in Management:

Staffing in Management
The foundation of any small or big organisation is talented and hard-working employees who are the main assets of any company. It is believed that an organisation can achieve its goal only when it has the right person in the right position. Therefore, Staffing in Management is one of the essential processes for establishing a business firm or company.

What is Staffing in Management?

After planning and selection of organisation structure, the next step in the management process is to fulfil the various posts in the organisation. This process of filling the various post is termed as “Staffing” in management.
Staffing may also be described as the managerial function of filling and keeping filled the position in the organisation structure.
We can also define Staffing in simple terms, “Staffing is hiring people into the job”. 
It begins with workforce planning and includes different other functions like recruitment, selection, training, development, promotion, compensation and performance appraisal of the workforce.
Today Staffing may involve any combination of the employee including daily wagers, consultant and contract employee. Staffing is a continuous process because the new job can be created for the expansion of the company in the new territory and some of the existing employees may leave the organisation.

Staffing in New Enterprise:

Staffing in Management
In a new enterprise, the staffing function is applied after the planning and organizing function.
After deciding what is to be done, how is to be done and after the creation of the organisation structure, the management is in a position to know the human resource recruitment of the enterprise at the different level.
Once the number of personnel to be selected is determined management start with the activities related to recruiting, selecting and training people to fulfil the recruitment of the enterprise.

Importance of Staffing:

In any organisation, there is a need for people to perform a certain task. The staffing function of management fulfils this requirement and find the right people for the right job. Human resources are the foundation of any business. The right people can take your business to the top and wrong can break your business. 
Therefore staffing is the most fundamental and critical driver of organisational performance. No organisation can be successful unless it can fill and keep filling the various positions provided for the structure with the right kind of people. 
Proper staffing provides the following benefits to the organisation.
  • Staffing helps an organisation in recruiting talented and experienced employee for a different post.
  • It provides an opportunity to build a higher performance team (or goal-oriented team).
  • Every staff is precious to the organisation and undoubtedly we can say employees are the main assets of the organisation. Staffing process helps to recruit enthusiastic and potential employees and thus it constructs sustainable and growing enterprises.
  • Staffing helps to ensure optimum utilization of human resources. Sometimes an organisation appoint more staff to perform the limited number of the task in this case process of staffing helps to reduce the number of staff that cut the cost of the organisation.
  • It also provides information about the shortage of employees in advance so that work should continue without any disturbance.
  • Proper staffing reduces the rate of alteration of employees that means the employee will work a long time for the organisation. Hence it will provide job satisfaction by earning incentive and different type of facilities for their contribution by the organisation.
Thus staffing function must be performed efficiently by all organisations. If the right kind of employees is not available, it will lead to wastage of materials, time, effort and energy, results in lower productivity and poor quality of the product.



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