ELSS vs Mutual Funds | 5 Major Aspects

ELSS vs Mutual Funds

ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Schemes) is nothing but a type of mutual funds which offers a tax rebate on returns earned during investment horizon, on the other hand, common mutual funds don’t such tax rebate. In this article, let us understand the major differences between ELSS vs mutual funds.

When it comes to mutual funds investment, there are two options whether one can invest in common mutual funds or in Equity linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) mutual funds. Although both ELSS and mutual funds are understood as a separate instrument yet ELSS is a branch of mutual funds, means mutual funds is a broad term whereas ELSS is a narrow term.  

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Difference between Hedge Funds and Mutual Funds

Difference between Hedge Funds and Mutual Funds

Although both hedge funds and mutual funds pool money from different investors and invest such funds according to their own strategies in the financial market to make profits, however, their investor profiles, risks involved and tactics to generate returns are different from each other.

In this article, we will understand primarily the difference between hedge funds and mutual funds. But before we go ahead, let me explain first, what exactly hedge funds and mutual funds in brief so that their differences can be understood easily.

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Difference between Private Equity and Hedge Fund | Top 3 Difference

Difference between Private Equity and Hedge Fund

Although both private equity and hedge fund refer to the investment vehicle which pools money from different high net worth investors and utilises such funds according to their own strategies to generate returns for their investors. Such high net worth investors are known as limited partners.

In fact, both private equity and hedge fund have a similar category of investors, but there are some key difference between private equity and hedge fund if we consider their motive, strategies and methods of investment.

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Difference between Private Equity and Venture Capital

Difference between Private Equity and Venture Capital

The private equity and venture capital can be the most popular and systematic ways to arrange capital fund at different stages of business. Venture capital provides the seed capital whereas private equity provides you with the growth capital. In fact, private equity and venture capital are similar in most contexts but there are some key differences in financing procedures, their risks and expectations.

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